Diaper Bag Essentials

Ok, so I really wanted to call this post “Whats all that crap you’re carrying around”, but soon decided that its not crap and I would be lost without these things. Some people may ask, “Do you really need all that stuff?” and the answer is YESSSS. If you’re a first time mom expecting a baby, this post is specifically for you! Here are all the things I use on a daily basis when leaving the house with Emma.

  1. Diapers- Ok, so its not the cutesy Honest brand diapers that cost an arm and a leg but hey, they have these at Costco and they work just fine! They’re Huggies brand and I love them. I try to keep at least three in my bag at all times cause you never know if its going to be a poop explosion day! These Huggies diapers are soft and have Micky Mouse on them…what more can you ask for?!
  2. Wipes- Also Huggies brand and what I love about them is that they’re the “one and done” kind where its for face, hands and bottoms. Its nice for when they decide to stick their little hands where they don’t belong and you need something quick to wipe them with. Seriously make sure you have enough or else you’ll be elbow deep in shit (literally) with no help in sight. This may or may not have happened to me…
  3. Thermometer- You never know when a fussy baby might be coming down with something or might be teething, so its nice to keep a thermometer handy in case you want some peace of mind. This one is the Rite-Aid brand and works great. I find that the electronic ones that you swipe on the forehead can often be incorrect so I’d rather use this old school one and know for sure!
  4. Formula Powder (or your boob if you’re breastfeeding)- Yeah this is a no brainer…don’t forget the babies food! Not going to lie though, its happened to me and the best thing to do is to pop into a drug store and buy a few “ready to feed” bottles. I use Enfamil Gentlease.
  5. Bottles- I like to pre fill my bottles with water so that its easy to just add the powder when I need. If I’m super lazy (and I usually am!) I make the milk at home and put it in a small cooler with icepacks and take it with me. If I don’t have a chance to even fill the bottles with water, i just buy regular bottled water and fill when needed. Some of you may be thinking, “OMG why doesn’t she use nursery water” and the answer is because I don’t have too! Pediatrician said its all really the same thing and I trust him enough to go with it! The bottle pictured is by LifeFactory.
  6. Sweater- Ok, so we live in Southern California and its always a million degrees here but sometimes at nigh it gets a bit chilly so I always keep a little sweater or cardigan for Emma. This one is from Zara but Baby Gap has really cute ones as well.
  7. Bibs- I hate when Emma’s clothes get dirty. I know she’s a kid and its only going to get worse but I found that if I make the bib a part of her outfit then I won’t feel so bad when it gets dirty and I can just take it off. I love these Aidan and Anais bandana bibs. They have them in a few neutral colors as well so you can accessorize with a lot of things. The yellow bib pictured is from Tommee Tippee and I loved these when Emma was an infant. They have a dribble guard and I found that it was the best at keeping the milk from running under her little double chin. As most of us moms know, its really hard to clean under their chins so this was a life saver.
  8. Hats- I like to keep a sun hat in my diaper bag, just in case I want to take her out of the stroller and put her in my carrier. Heat exhaustion is a thing and you definitely don’t want it happening to your baby. I also like to keep a beanie in case it gets cold at night. 
  9. Extra outfit- This is mainly for any poop explosions that get past the diaper. Its such a relief to be prepared in that moment and know that you can change your little one out if needed. I love these basic Carters onsies!
  10. Pajamas- I never know how long we might be out or who we might be going to see so I like to keep her P.Js with me at all times. If its approaching bed time, I change her into those and cross my fingers that she’ll go to sleep on the way home and I can just transfer her straight into her crib. The ones pictured are by L’ovedbaby and they’re oh so soft!
  11. Butt Cream- I can safely say I’ve tried every kind of butt cream this world has to offer and my favorite is Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. I found that it was the most effective at preventing and treating diaper rash. 
  12. Teether/Toy- Emma is currently eight months old and is teething on and off. She loves to chew on things and this is her new fave. Its by a small shop called Feltman + Co based out of Houston, TX. The textures and materials used in this specific teether are great for sensory play as well.

So, there you go! Thats what I normally take with me on a daily basis. Some days I throw in a few extra things, like sun screen, blankets, or a cooler for her milk, but this is my usual jam. If you’re wondering what I put all of this in, you’ll have to wait for a future post to see! Don’t sweat it if you forget something. It happens to everyone and sometimes less is more!

responses to “Diaper Bag Essentials” 10

  1. These are all great items to keep in your diaper bag! Loved reading this post. I can’t tell you how many times I wished I hadn’t unpacked my daughters sweater from my diaper bag. Even though we live in California there can be random moments of cold when a sweater is needed!

    1. Thanks for reading Tiffany! Cali weather is truly unpredictable sometimes and us mommas love keeping our little ones all warm and snug <3

  2. Extra clothes for sure! I remember when my daughter was an infant – pretty sure we went through like 4 outfits while we were out and about. It never fails! Great post.

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